24hr Gaming for Pancreatic Cancer Action starting 08:00 - 29/08/20

Created by Lee 29th August 2020 This event has closed


A week after my 30th Birthday I got the terrible news from my Father, that he had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I did not know a lot about this cancer but after a few clicks on Google it didn't take me long to realise the severity of it! 

"For every 100 diagnosed, only 6 will survive after 5 years" and even worse, "1 in 4 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer will die within a month".

Unfortunately my Father fell into the second category and we lost him 3 weeks later. He had never had any illness before and had good health up to this point so as you can imagine the whole thing was a huge shock to our family. 

The last few weeks have been very tough, having gone through several "firsts" without him - Fathers Day and his 70th Birthday as well as 6 months since his passing. It has got me thinking about other families going through the same thing and it has encouraged me to do this charity event. I am not at all physical, so running a marathon was not for me, but instead with the help of a good friend of mine, Chris Teague, we will be challenging ourselves to do a full 24 hour gaming session and all will be live via the Twitch streaming service. We plan to play through a number of different games and will be joined by other friends throughout the day to help get us through it.

The charity we will be raising money for:
Pancreatic Cancer Action are a national charity dedicated to saving lives by improving early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and the quality of patient survival. With your help we fund vital research, create medical education programmes, produce national awareness campaigns and vital patient information.Together we can make a difference!

Follow us from 8am on Saturday 29th August where we will be streaming via Twitch by either copying the following links into your web browser or finding us on the Twitch mobile app: https://www.twitch.tv/walmz & https://www.twitch.tv/teaguec

If you can donate, no matter how small, every little will help towards our target we have set of £500.

